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9 Fool-Proof Ways to Beat Stress and Anxiety

With today’s fast-paced lifestyle, heavy demands, as well as the current global health crisis, a lot of people find themselves overwhelmed with stress and anxiety. When this happens, the body experiences an increase in cortisol, the body’s primary stress hormone. This can mess with almost every aspect of your organism and will eventually affect your sleep and overall health.

Too much stress can also lead to several medical conditions such as heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes. It can also weaken your immune system, and that’s something you don’t want to happen during the pandemic.

According to a 2018 research by the Mental Health Foundation, about 75% of the study’s test group said that they feel overwhelmed and are unable to cope with the amount of stress that they have. Stress and anxiety are known culprits in unhappiness, poor health, and sleeplessness.

To fight possible health conditions, learn how to face and manage stress. What food you eat and the kind of lifestyle habits you maintain play a huge part in preserving your mental health too. Here are nine lifestyle changes you should apply to combat stress and anxiety.

fizkes/Shutterstock | Too much stress can take a toll on your mental and physical health.

Be Mindful of What You Eat

Studies show that too many refined carbs, gluten, sweets, caffeine, and heavily processed food can make you feel shabby and worsen anxiety and sleeplessness. Dr. Marilyn Glenville says that alcohol can impact blood sugar levels and causes a surge in adrenaline and cortisol. That may explain the less than stellar sleep you get after a night of drinking.

Nutritionist Shona Wilkinson suggests eating food rich in magnesium, which is a mineral that can help you relax and calm the nerves. Whole grains are also great additions to your diet to help regulate serotonin levels. This neurotransmitter helps you remain calm.

Pack on the Nutrients

Some herbs and supplements also help manage sleep, stress, and anxiety. Shona recommends lemon balm, Rhodiola, passionflower, and royal jelly for stress as these can help lift low moods, maintain a sense of calm, and reduce anxiety and agitation.

To improve sleep, Shona says that Griffonia seed extract, Montmorency cherry, hops, royal jelly, chamomile, and lavender extracts would help you doze off faster and get quality sleep.

Lighten Up and Have a Good Laugh

The adage “laughter is the best medicine” may have some truth to it in a scientific sense. When people laugh, it triggers a release of endorphins, the chemicals on your brain that make you feel better. Having a good time also takes your mind off the things that cause stress.

fizkes/Shutterstock | Having a good laugh from time to time can be healthy.

Get Active

Incorporating exercise into your daily routine would help you achieve a healthy lifestyle. It’s recommended by the NHS to get in around 150 minutes of moderate-intensity workouts in a week. In the evening, you can also try less strenuous activities like yoga to relax your mind.

Try Meditation

Scientific research has revealed that doing meditation can help reduce stress levels. Just 5 minutes of quiet time is enough to refresh and clear your mind.

Play with Your Pets

Playing with animals can help reduce the stress hormone cortisol. Bonding with your pets can also increase oxytocin, a feel-good hormone that helps fight stress.

Read a Book

When things feel overwhelming, it may be a good idea to immerse yourself in a book. A study conducted by the University of Sussex shows that reading can help relieve stress by up to 68%. It’s said that the onset of the effect may be felt in as short as 6 minutes.

Dean Drobot/Shutterstock | Reading a book is an effective stress-reliever.

Stop Worrying

Try to let go of your worries. Recent research reveals that 85% of the things we worry about may never happen. Out of the remaining 15% that did happen, around 79% of people realized that they could take on the situation better than they expected or the challenge was a learning experience.

Be Grateful

Lastly, focus on what is good in your life and enjoy it. Being grateful can help improve your mental health and well-being. Gratitude can also ease stress, anxiety, and depression. It also makes you sleep better.

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