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Surprising Results Of Alcohol Consumption

There is evidence that humans first consumed alcohol in Georgia around 6000 B.C. Ancient Egyptian and Sumerian texts dating back to around 2100 BC also mention alcohol as a medicine. Early modern protestant leaders also agreed with the Catholic church and current beliefs that, despite alcohol intoxication being considered a sin, controlled consumption of alcohol is a gift from God that enables humans to enjoy their lives more.


Honey and fruit juice have been fermented for thousands of years to produce alcohol. The need for humans to drink develops gradually once our mind begins associating positive memories and feelings with drinking after a difficult day. Our brain craves more joyous feelings as these feelings subconsciously make us feel rewarded and allow us to feel more rewarded. 

The dark side of alcohol

Magda Ehlers/ Pexels | A man that drinks is throwing his life away


To quote Jerome K. Jerome, life works upon compensating balance, and when one finds the happiness, he also loses something. Evidently, it has been observed that small amounts of alcohol consumption have been proven to be beneficial against certain life-threatening diseases. As euphoric as the ‘buzz’ may seem, when consumed in an uncontrolled manner, alcohol can be dangerous as well. 


It has been reported that people consuming a large quantity of alcohol have developed significant changes in their lives over time, including anxiety, sleep problems, memory problems, and problems with their romantic and family relationships. Additionally, our liver and pancreas, organs that support digestion and remove toxins from our blood respectively, have been shown to be affected by alcohol consumption

Isabella Mendes/ Pexels | A drink a day keeps reality at bay


Over 15% of people who try alcohol wind up becoming addicted. But treating the disease has proved difficult because biochemically, alcoholism is anything but simple. Alcohol affects several families of neurotransmitters, initially stimulating the release of dopamine in the amygdala and the nucleus accumbens, the brain’s reward centers. The levels drop to normal with continued drinking, however, and medicines that target these centers, modulating the effects of dopamine, “have been something of a disappointment.”

Effects on body and mind after addiction 

Pixabay/ Pexels | Alcohol gives you infinite patience for stupidity


If occasional drinking has led you to allow substances to take control of you, then it’s best to cut out the alcohol from your life and seek therapy or join a group where people have a similar experience as yours. There’s nothing to be ashamed about, as the scientific meaning of alcohol is “psychoactive drug.” You can also follow a few tips to control your temptations when in public, such as trying something new such as gaming, socializing, cooking, exercising, etc., and investing your time into that activity or cutting yourself away from the people that are likely to expose you to alcohol-related situations, at least till you get a grip of yourself.


While cutting out excessive drinking has health benefits for your liver and heart, it also puts your body at multiple risks of psychological effects. Sudden detox can contribute to depression and anxiety and can also make one suicidal. Some people start leaning towards drugs and cigarettes as an alternative and start depending on those. The person is also at risk of withdrawal and relapse; hence a close eye should be kept on those people.

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