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Magnesium: The Hidden and Underrated Benefits of The Superstar Element

Magnesium- how much do you know about this element? Sure, any high school science class is incomplete without studying the basic elements. So, thanks to your half attended classes, you might know that Magnesium is the most abundant mineral found in the human body. You might also know that it is the eight most common mineral throughout the universe, and the seventh most common one found in the Earth’s core alone.

You’d be surprised at the multitudes of benefits that this super common element has. Yet, many adults are known for taking in insufficient amounts of Magnesium- enough to cause many deficiencies. Why is something so common, with so many benefits, not used enough? For starters, people rarely know the many uses of Magnesium.

Everyday Health | Many fiber-rich foods contain high amounts of magnesium

Why does the human body need Magnesium?

Magnesium is an essential nutrient for the human body. It is responsible for driving multitudes of processes, as it is involved in 600 enzymatic reactions. Two of the most important reactions in which Magnesium has an active involvement are protein synthesis and metabolism.

Magnesium is also responsible for regulating blood pressure, blood sugar levels, as well as muscle and nerve functions. It also plays an important role in the formation of DNA and bones.

How much do we need?

Not all human bodies require the same amount of Magnesium. As you age or develop certain conditions, your bodily requirements will fluctuate;

Women aged 19-30: 310 mg
Women over 30: 320 mg
Pregnant women aged 19-30: 350 mg
Pregnant women over 30: 360 mg
Men aged 19-30: 400 mg
Men over 30: 420 mg


Unsplash | People of different age groups have different magnesium requirements

What benefits does Magnesium provide?

As more research goes into the benefits of Magnesium, scientists are discovering a whole array of conditions in which it plays a significant role. Many diseases have also been found to directly be caused due to a lack of Magnesium in the body. Research is also aiming to use Magnesium supplements to prevent and treat health conditions, thereby also boosting health within individuals.

Magnesium plays an active role in remedying many health issues, including:

– Type 2 diabetes
– Blood Pressure
– PMS Symptoms
– Depression
– Migraine
– Exercise Performance

Unsplash | Taking your daily requirement of magnesium can help you skip the need for medication

What are the best sources of Magnesium

As a matter of fact, food sources containing Magnesium are the healthiest sources of all. Foods that are rich in fiber are also a great source of Magnesium. The following are the best sources of Magnesium and the amount of fiber found in them per cup.

Broccoli- 12 mg
Avocado- 22 mg
Raisins- 27 mg
Mashed Bananas- 31 mg
Kidney Beans- 35 mg
Lentils- 36 mg
Salmon- 48 mg
Oats- 56 mg
Black Beans- 60 mg
Artichoke- 75 mg
Cooked Spinach- 77 mg
Pumpkin Seeds- 84 mg
Almonds- 193 mg

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