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How to Protect Yourself from the Coronavirus

At the moment, there have been 60 confirmed Coronavirus cases in the US. And it only continues to spread by the minute all over the world, with 80,000 being infected and 2,700 killed globally.

With the rapidly growing numbers of people getting infected, we need to use every measure at our disposal to make sure we stay protected from this disease. Not only that, but we also have to plan ahead and prepare for any situation that might arise in our community whether it’s in the workplace, school, or other areas. Here are some ways we can further protect and prepare ourselves:

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Precautionary measures should be done to stay healthy.

Plan possible workplace arrangements

Plans need to be put into place in case an outbreak occurs in the workplace. Alternatives like the possibility of working from home could be explored, as well as ways to minimize exposure of employees with each other if necessary. There also needs to be a plan on how to properly communicate to employees the response plans in case of an outbreak.

Know how to reach your doctors

It’s important that you know how to seek medical help especially when you are too sick to visit a healthcare facility, be it through call or video chat. It also helps to know a website that you can access any update or new information on the virus.

Keep contact information of medical facilities or your doctor.

Keep practicing standard preventive measures

Prevention is better than cure, as they always say. There is no better way to combat the virus than to protect yourself from getting it in the first place. Wash hands for 20 seconds with soap or hand sanitizer and avoid touching your face especially with dirty hands because the mouth, eyes, and nose are the most susceptible body parts for the virus to enter.

Make sure to cough or sneeze into a disposable tissue and throw it right away. If you are feeling sick, stay at home and sanitize common surfaces in your house. And it could also be good as an extra precautionary step to take a flu shot if you have not gotten one yet.

Observe proper hand hygiene at all times.

Stack up on necessary supplies

Surgical masks might not be the most effective to keep yourself from contracting the virus. Rachel Lee, an assistant professor at the University of Alabama School of Medicine, says that a certain type of mask, the N95 mask, would be more effective to use for people who are experiencing the symptoms to avoid spreading their illness. It is also good to have a few days’ supplies of food that have a long shelf life in your home just in case.

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